Why Are You in Business?

Simon Sinek says “Start with Why”.  Do you know your Why? 

Why are you in business?  Why are you doing what you are doing? Why do you want to continue when it is this difficult?

Knowing the why is the first step to building success.  We all know what we do and how to do it.  We all can do it but knowing the why brings the success.

The “Why” is the vision and the “burning in the belly”.  Its’ what motivates us to get up in the morning.  Its’ what keeps us going when we are questioning doing what we are doing.  Its’ what makes great leaders. Its’ what attracts people and business to us. People are attracted to the individual who knows the real reason they are there, what path they are on and where that path is leading to. As I have reread Napoleon Hills’ “Think and Grow Rich”, he provides the blueprint to this.

Knowing and understanding the “Why” keeps you focused and on target.  Too many companies end up “chasing the shiny penny”. Its’ what gives direction to the others within the business and produces loyalty.  We are all presented with more and more ideas to expand our business with each and every day.  But do these serve our “Why”?  Staying clear and focused on the Why keeps our energies directed and our efforts aligned with purpose.  We stumble around watching others be successful (or we think they are) in the product or service they are offering, and we refocus our efforts in that direction.  When that doesn’t work for us, we refocus again on another idea.  We “chase” whatever looks attractive today and loose sight of what has been working for us and “why” we are here. As organizations grow and expand with new product and/or services, too often the “why” becomes fuzzy or gets lost all together.  The most successful organizations always keep the “Why” foremost in the minds of all and clients are attracted to that.

Understanding and staying true to our Why may take more time but it builds the strong base from which a business flourish.  Branching out and diversifying to many areas makes it more difficult to understand and manage your business. It requires people, processes and technologies. The larger the scale your business works toward, the more important it is for all to know what and who it serves.  Stay true to your “Why” and your business will become like the Oak tree; strong roots and longevity guaranteed.

Spend time determining your “Why” and stay the course.  The “Why” becomes the vision from where you start and move forward.  Understand that it takes time to grow the business, but with knowing your “Why” and staying true to it, you can weather it all and come out stronger at the end.  Never loose sight of the “Why”.  Even as the business grows and gains success, it is important to always keep the “Why” front and centre.  Decisions are easier to make, growth is easier to accomplish, business is easier to attract. People buy the “Why”.

What is your WHY?

1 thought on “Why Are You in Business?”

  1. Great article. Can you tell me if this author has an published books? I’d like to learn more about this.

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